A commitment to growth

Training and resources to develop skills, build a growth mindset, and share knowledge.

Life-long learning & growth

Just as every child has the right to a quality education, so every adult has the responsibility to continue growing as a global citizen and member of the workforce. I’m proud to be part of the community of global online learners and passionate about bringing the best of executive education to your team.

On this page you can find free resources, check out our training modules, and explore how Angela’s nurturing facilitation style will bring out the best in your team – online or in-person.

DIY Master’s in Social Innovation

I couldn’t find a Master’s course I loved, so I made one myself.

In 2022 I reaffirmed my own commitment to personal growth by embarking on a self-curated Master’s course in Social Innovation.

The “Master’s” is a programme of postgraduate and practitioner level learning, designed to update and deepen my skills and knowledge around innovation, entrepreneurship and the needs of today’s consultancy market. A group of expert advisors is keeping me accountable and will oversee my thesis.

At the same time, this Master’s is a first-hand insight into the challenges faced by learners and providers of higher and executive education, and the Edtech industry.

Training courses

The following micro-learning modules are available now – simply order by completing the contact form. We can also create a custom training or adapt these materials to your needs. Please get in touch to explore options.

All prices below are exclusive of VAT, charged where appropriate at the Netherlands rate of 21%. Contact me to explore whether you or your organisation needs to pay VAT.

Pitching 101 (for startups)
In this short course we explore what pitching means, why it is important, and the three key elements of any pitch: slide deck, script, and handout. Alongside a 15-minute training video, delegates receive customisable templates for a pitch deck, script and (optional) handout, as well as a pitch tracker tool to prepare for, and reflect on each pitch you deliver. The module will give you an overview and help you create your first pitch deck, and learn how to keep improving as you practice. As an optional extra, you can request personalised comments on your draft pitch deck, pitch video, or a 1-1 pitch coaching session.
A series of digital resources, self-paced
€25 per delegate
Optional extras
Personalised feedback on your draft pitch deck €50 Personalised feedback on a 2-4 minute pitch video €50 1-1 Pitching coaching €95 per 45-minute session
Presentation skills for entrepreneurs
This micro-learning module covers presentation skills to help founders present themselves and their early-stage businesses. We discuss how to continue improving your skills using a free online framework. We work through the aspects of presenting that entrepreneurs find most challenging (based on real feedback from >100 startup founders) – from how to overcome nerves, select the right information, and avoid boring an audience. Accompanying this module is a template for continuous improvement, techniques to manage your breathing, and a self-guided exercise to continue improving your presentation.
A series of digital resources, self-paced
€25 per delegate
Optional extras

Personalised feedback on a 2-4 minute presentation/pitch video €50
1-1 Storytelling skills coaching €95 per 45 minute session
Online Media Audit for your brand or organisation: from €200

Finding your story – Storytelling for business
Just having a microphone doesn’t mean that people will give you their full attention. In this short module we explore how you can use storytelling in a presentation to engage potential investors or customers, while retaining your professional credibility. Watch a video covering the key points of storytelling in a presentation, reflect on your personal story and those of your clients, and experience how other founders have mastered this art. This module includes a 10-minute video accompanied by references, resources, example presentations, and an exercise based around a storytelling template that you can use to strengthen your own presentation straight away.
A series of digital resources, self-paced
€25 per delegate
Optional extras

Feedback on your completed story template €40
1-1 Presentation skills coaching €95 per 45-minute session
Elevator Pitch training module €25 per delegate
Online Media Audit for your brand or organisation: from €200

Free resources for knowledge workers

I’m so happy to share with you my favourite, custom-made templates for knowledge work.

Download and enjoy!

Work Tools 101
After 15 years of researching and improving productivity and work quality, I keep coming back to these basic tools. Simple, free, and ready to use, download these Essential Tools for Knowledge Workers and make your own versions of these simple tools to approach any challenge or problem.
Customer Journey Mapping
Customer Journey Mapping is an essential tool to build empathy with your customer and iron out the kinks in marketing or user experience design. Here’s a free template on Miro that you can use to grow your customer insight in 20 minutes.

What clients say

Let's talk! Ping me a message - we'll be happy to help.

Get in touch!

Please fill in this form if you’d like to sign up for a training, set up a call, get more information… or for any other requests! We will be delighted to hear from you.